Lập trình
Tác giả

Louis Truong

Đổi tác giả
Cập nhật lần cuối:

2024-04-04 08:09:19 UTC

Đánh giá:
Từ trải nghiệm:

Trung Hoang

Mô tả trải nghiệm

IT Career Path Exploration

Kế hoạch

Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmWkcePhf84

When you're finished with the task, click the checkbox (to the left of the session title) to mark it as completed.

Watch the video again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmWkcePhf84

1. Answer the question: "What is a Software Engineer"?
2. Record a video answer and upload the video (min 30s)

When you're finished with the task, click the checkbox (to the left of the session title) to mark it as completed.


Video 1

Watch the video again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmWkcePhf84

1. Answer the questions:
- What is a Software Engineer?
- How to become a Software Engineer?
2. Record a video answer and upload the video (min 30s)

When you're finished with the task, click the checkbox (to the left of the session title) to mark it as completed.


Video 2

Watch the video again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmWkcePhf84

1. Answer the questions:
- What is a Cloud Engineer?
- What is a Data Engineer/Scientist/Analyst
- What is a Devops Engineer?
- What is a Security Engineer?
- What is an ML engineer?
2. Record a video answer and upload the video (min 30s)

When you're finished with the task, click the checkbox (to the left of the session title) to mark it as completed.



Reading: Ut enim ad minim veniam

14 minutes2 questions

Video: Greetings and introduction

15 minutes

Audio: Interactive lesson

7 minutes3 questions

Reading: Ut enim ad minim veniam

22 minutes

Reading: Ut enim ad minim veniam

14 minutes

Video: Greetings and introduction

15 minutes

Audio: Interactive lesson

7 minutes2 questions

Reading: Ut enim ad minim veniam

22 minutes

Nhận xét của những người đồng hành

Chi tiết đánh giá
5 sao
4 sao
3 sao
2 sao
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Miễn phí
Trong tiến trình
  • Tác giả :Louis Truong
  • Thời gian :4 sessions
  • Tài nguyên :3
  • Người đã đồng hành :0
  • Ngôn ngữ :english

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