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Tác giả

Shinny Hoang

Đổi tác giả
Cập nhật lần cuối:

2024-03-28 03:19:15 UTC

Đánh giá:
Từ trải nghiệm:

Trung Hoang

Mô tả trải nghiệm

IT Career Path Exploration

Kế hoạch

Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmWkcePhf84

When you're finished with the task, click the checkbox (to the left of the session title) to mark it as completed.

Watch the video again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmWkcePhf84

1. Answer the question: "What is a Software Engineer"?
2. Record a video answer and upload the video (min 30s)

When you're finished with the task, click the checkbox (to the left of the session title) to mark it as completed.


IT Career Path Exploration - Video 2

Watch the video again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmWkcePhf84

1. Answer the questions:
- What is a Software Engineer?
- How to become a Software Engineer?
2. Record a video answer and upload the video (min 30s)

When you're finished with the task, click the checkbox (to the left of the session title) to mark it as completed.


IT Career Path Exploration - Video 3

Watch the video again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmWkcePhf84

1. Answer the questions:
- What is a Cloud Engineer?
- What is a Data Engineer/Scientist/Analyst
- What is a Devops Engineer?
- What is a Security Engineer?
- What is an ML engineer?
2. Record a video answer and upload the video (min 30s)

When you're finished with the task, click the checkbox (to the left of the session title) to mark it as completed.


IT Career Path Exploration - Video 4

Reading: Ut enim ad minim veniam

14 minutes2 questions

Video: Greetings and introduction

15 minutes

Audio: Interactive lesson

7 minutes3 questions

Reading: Ut enim ad minim veniam

22 minutes

Reading: Ut enim ad minim veniam

14 minutes

Video: Greetings and introduction

15 minutes

Audio: Interactive lesson

7 minutes2 questions

Reading: Ut enim ad minim veniam

22 minutes

Nhận xét của những người đồng hành

Chi tiết đánh giá
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4 sao
3 sao
2 sao
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Miễn phí
Trong tiến trình
  • Tác giả :Shinny Hoang
  • Thời gian :4 sessions
  • Tài nguyên :3
  • Người đã đồng hành :0
  • Ngôn ngữ :english

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